Android 11: What We Want To See _HOT_
This Easter egg is very similar to the one in Android 7, in that it gives you a pet cat to look after. If that sounds weird, it is, but it's pretty fun too. If you want to find out more for yourself, follow our guide below on how to enable the Android 11 Easter Egg.
Android 11: what we want to see
Not every Android phone has joined the party yet, but there are a number of new features that will give Android 11 users a reason (or two, or three) to upgrade. And If you're still waiting on Google's new OS to make its way to your device, you can download and install the Android 12 developer preview now. But keep in mind that, you probably won't want to try out the developer preview on your primary device. It likely has some bugs.
With Android 12, Google is changing up the design of notifications to make them more modern and functional. When you tap on a notification, it will take you directly to the app or action you want to take, instead of going through an intermediary service to start that action. This should make everything run faster, according to the Android Developers blog post.
The capability is now built into the Android OS. Based on two weeks of testing, it works easily and well. You simply pull down the top shade and tap its icon. (I did have to edit the default icons that appear to get it in there.) You can choose whether you want device, ambient, or no audio or both, and you can optionally show touches with circles. You can't, however, include your live face using the phone's camera as a picture-in-picture, as you can with the Samsung Galaxy utility.
Voice Assistant. Google Assistant has been more capable than Siri for a while, though Apple is on the case. I still find that Siri misinterprets what I want more than Cortana, Alexa, or Assistant, but not to the extent it used to.
Payments. Google Pay has a big advantage over Apple Pay: It works on all major platforms, including that of its rival. If you want to pay a friend $10 for your part of the pizza in Apple Pay, that friend must own an Apple device. Apple does offer some appealing benefits with its new credit card, Apple Card, but it's no problem using rewards in Google Pay. Both let you pay in stores via NFC.
The new setting is present in Android 11 DP3 and lives at the bottom of the App permissions section, inside App info for each app. (That's accessible in multiple ways, like by long-pressing an app icon in the recents menu -> App info -> Permissions, or via Settings -> Apps & notifications -> the app you want to see -> Permissions.) As noted, it seems to be disabled by default, and we don't know if any other logic might be set to trigger it. Permissions dialogs themselves in Android 11 DP3 aren't any different from DP2 that we can tell.
If you tap any one of those running services, the entry will open where it can be stopped and restarted. If you see any of those apps consuming a suspiciously large amount of memory, you might want to stop and restart it.
An enhancement for Pixel phones only at this time, Android 11 fills unused slots in the bottom row of the home screen with suggested apps which the OS thinks you might want to use. If you want to turn this feature off so random apps don't appear on the home screen, tap and hold an empty spot on the home screen and choose "Home settings," then tap "Suggestions" and change the options.
Material You is the update Android users have been craving for years. With this user interface refresh, you can finally customize widgets and change select app icons to look the way you want, and make your phone feel more like you.
You can even set a unique color palette for your phone that you'll see everywhere. If you change your wallpaper, you'll be prompted to see if you want to change your color palette as well. This will change the color of your notification icons, brightness, phone buttons, and certain places in your phone's settings.
With Android 11, you could choose to give an app location permissions or not. Those were your only options. With Android 12, however, you can decide whether you want to give an app your precise location or an approximate location. While some apps, like Google Maps, will require a precise location, most other apps can function perfectly with an approximate location.
Android 11 doesn't allow to access directly files from storage you must have to select file from storage and copy that file into your app package chache is the method to copy file from storage to app package cache
When you updating your android Device from api 10(29) to android 11(30) Api , its not working to retrieve data from your device storage or mobile directory i have checked today on play store thousand of the apps having millions download live on play store they are not working on android 11 , because android 11 introduced new scoped storages update where you have to implement new methods to get media file using MediaStore Object,
If you want to write and read files from the device. You can basically use Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(Environment.DIRECTORY_DOCUMENTS)(it doesn't have to be DIRECTORY DOCUMENTS) instead of Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(), you don't need to ask for MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission. It is working normally on Android 11 in this way.
I also looked for a solution for several hours and tested some approaches. In my app, users can send emails with an pdf document as attachment and suddenly since android 11 the attachment was empty due to the permission changes of android. For getting the file I use a FileProvider.The suggested methods I found here but also in other threads didn't work, until I tested around for my own and casually did the same as Monu meena and added this in my android manifest file:
This is the only working solution in my case.I didn't remove read or write permissions and I also didn't set target sdk to 29 or lower, my target sdk is still 30 and it is also working for devices with API lower than 30. I have tested successfully on several devices with different API version in android studio emulator.
2 Nights ago I noticed that Intune Company portal app for android made my Company apps to stop working (Microsoft Teams & Outlook). After some research, noticed that my phone's Intune app was saying not meeting Microsoft's security requirements but it was. The requirement is to have a lock password more than 4 characters long. My Samsung S21 has that. A day later some more users with Android phones also started to have the issue. I did reset my phone password to something long and complicated too but no luck. Can someone explain what has happened to the Microsoft Company Portal app for Android in the last 3 days? Why are our Android users having this issue? The problem was not there before and the IT MS365 administrators say have not touched anything on the Microsoft Mobile Device Management module. Go ahead and look into Google Play and notice that new posts are being written showing this same issue from other Android users. The main problem appears to be just a couple days old with the mentioned Microsoft app. I uninstalled the Intune app, Outlook and Microsoft Teams and tried reinstalling starting with app first, tried to enroll my cell and still failed due to same error. My peers with Android phones have same issue and maybe many others too. Please help!
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Another navigation app that's great for exploring off the beaten track, the free (lite) version comes with online maps. If you want to access online maps for offline use, there is also a premium paid-for version of the maps. A useful feature is that you can create multi-layered maps, for example with an aerial photo layered on top of the terrain map. It includes a compass and map orientation function.
What if you want to make a clean sweep of all the apps that start up automatically when opening certain files on the device? In such a scenario, you will need to use the 'reset app settings" opinion. Note that this will default all install apps to the state when they were freshly installed. In the case of games, this will mean a loss of progress on levels. You can, however, backup your game data before you go ahead with this procedure.
SaveGame data is saved inside /storage/emulated/0/UE4Game/Ue4Project/saved/-------with the extention of save game.if you want to publish you game/app created in ue4 than you should Add MANAGE_FILES permission which is the simplest way bu the problem here is that starting this november all updates if consist of above permission will have to wait to seek permission from pay console about why your game/app requires this delicate feature.adding above permission will automatically provide you will manage all files for API30 but for API 31 and above you have to add permission which i will write a blog when i will have time.
hi InLove4.I would be writing a blog by tonight where i will explain changes and even add plugin to github(for permssions related android11, API30=+) for 4.27 and 4.26 which will itself modify the can see the blog at
thanks @MIKE .i read your blog and it was the first thing i got handy for 30+ api in android.i have my game up and running and i am no good with android and find out each time when i update my update got rejected for past few i am aware why and I am currenly building my Engine Code as I have to download UE4.27 source code. i have edited the code but for some reason it rebuild again.hopefully it update this time.
Android has come up with its own version of Airdrop, known as nearby share or quick share. It has the potential to work with multiple android devices, Chromebooks, or any devices running the Chrome Browser. For Google Pixel models, you can copy and share information such as texts effortlessly, making communication and conveying details much easier than before.